Friday, December 14, 2012

What we did today at math

We played a game and me and Chris were playing. First I won then when it was almost time to go we had a tie so it was kind of fair. Cadence

We had fun at math today! I worked with Adrianna and we both had the same amount.  Elysse

At math, me and Sofia tied and then we played again and we got the same numbers. Shauntae

Me and Shauntae were playing and we got the same numbers from the dominoes. Sofia

Me and Erdas, when we were playing the domino game I would keep on winning! Kaleb

We had lots of fun doing math! Declan

We were practicing how to play a new game. Erdas

We had lots of fun today and its almost home time so is the end? Daryan

The game was called 'End to End'. Brandi

In math, me and Daryan were missing one tile so we looked everywhere and then we couldn't find it so we just put the tiles away. Hope

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Crossing the River

The students did an amazing job yesterday at the Christmas Concert! Thank you to all the family members that came out to support the Grade 2 'Frosty's' ! 

Today, we played a fun math game. Students had 12 tiles to place on numbers 1 - 12. They then rolled two dice. The numbers were then added together - if the sum matched one of the numbers with a tile on it, student's could move that tile 'across the river'. As a group, we solved a math problem using the addition strategy "2 more". 

We also received a very special mail package from the North Pole! 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Winter Painting

Today, students worked on a beautiful painting project. They used the paint colours white, black, red and blue to mix different shades of blues and purples to create a winter night sky. Tomorrow, we will add a silhoutted Christmas tree - you can see the artwork at the Christmas concert on Wednesday!

We also enjoyed our pita lunch, practiced subitizing and solving word problems and fixed up some mixed up sentences. 

For the Christmas concert, I am asking that students wear a white shirt and dark pants. The rest of the costume has been made in class.