Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Welcome to Grade One!

Welcome back to Banting and Best for the 2013-2014 school year! 

School begins on Tuesday, September 3, 2013. Students meet in the school yard and find their teacher. Teachers will have copies of class lists. 

School hours:
School starts at 8:20 AM.
Lunch is from 11:53 AM - 12:37 PM.
School ends at 2:57 PM.

Please ensure your child brings the following:
- a lunch and recess snack
- indoor shoes that can be put on independently 
- a water bottle (filled with water only!)

School supplies (pencils, crayons, erasers, rulers) will be provided. Please do not send these items with your child. 

Please note, toys from home are not allowed at school. 

I look forward to meeting all of the students on September 3, 2013!