Thursday, September 13, 2012

Terry Fox Run

What have we learned about Terry Fox? Why do we have a Terry Fox run?

We run because we want to beat cancer. Mackenzie

Terry Fox is a good man. Kaleb

He is a great runner. Abdullah

He was a great man. Shauntae

He was a great basketball player. Adrianna

He almost ran the whole way across Canada! He got cancer in his lungs and he had to go to the hospital. Arthur

But he knew someone would finish it for him. Skie

When he was young, he played soccer. Cadence

He was a very good basketball player. Hope

Terry Fox loves playing soccer. Dorinda

We have to run so we can raise money to help people with all types of cancer. Justin

Terry Fox ran because he had cancer and knew what it felt like and he wanted to beat it. Skie

Terry Fox died. Abdullah

He wrote letters to loads of people.Erdas

This let people know he was raising money. Mackenzie

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Picture Day

Students were all smiles coming into school today as they got ready for Picture Day! 

Today was our first library visit of the year. Students had the very important job of choosing 2 books that were 'just right' fits. We talked about how to pick a book using the acronym 'I Pick', which continues our journey into the Daily 5 literacy skills: 

I choose a book.
Purpose - what is the purpose of reading this book?
Interest - does this book interest me? 
Comprehension - can I understand what the book is trying to tell me? 
Know - do I know most of the words? 

Students also practiced counting backwards from 100 and then played a game with partners using the hundreds chart. Give it a try! 

1. Start with a blank hundreds chart 
2. Choose one number to start at - for example, 35. 

3. Each player takes a turn recording the number above, below, one more than or one less than. 
As play goes on, students start noticing patterns in the chart
You can count by 1's

This group started skip counting by tens

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Terry Fox

Today, students started working on posters about Terry Fox with a partner. They listened to part of a story about Terry as a little boy and then watched a short video clip about his run across Canada. We will continue working on these posters tomorrow.

Students continued practicing reading to themselves. Today we read for 4 minutes on our own! We then worked on journal entries about what types of books we like to read. Tomorrow will be our first library book exchange.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Launching reading to ourselves

Today in room 6, students were introduced to their book bins. Each student has their own book bin that had two books in it for them to read. As a class, we talked about what it sounds like and looks like when you read by yourself. The students did an icreadible job practicing two strategies of reading books: 
1. Reading the pictures 
2. Reading the words 

We are excited to become super readers!  Reading every night at home will help students continue to use all of the new reading strategies they are learning. 

Students also worked on creating puzzle pieces for a giant, class map of Canada. This shows that all Canadians are connected in many different ways. 

Please note: our first library book exchange will be on Wednesday. More information will be coming home in the next few days. 

- Ms. Ketcheson

Check out our classroom! 

Students created their own 'buckets' to help remind us to be bucket fillers

How can we be 'bucket fillers'? 

Working hard at our self-portraits, with the question 'Where will our feet take us' guiding our work

 Colourful desk name tags